To be able to list logged in users in my Hanami application I’ve switched from cookies to redis for session store. The setup is quite brief thanks to the redis-rack gem.

1. Gemfile

Add the gem to the Gemfile:

gem 'redis-rack'

2. application.rb

Require redis:

require 'rack/session/redis'

Switch from cookies to redis:

#sessions :cookie, secret: ENV['WEB_SESSIONS_SECRET']
sessions :redis, secret: ENV['WEB_SESSIONS_SECRET']

3. Admin panel controller action

In my simple example below the code returns an array of logged-in user IDs to then query from the DB.

def call(params)
  store =
  session_keys = store.keys
  users = []
  session_keys.each do |s_key| 
    s_value = store.get(s_key)
    users << s_value["current_user"]

The s_key returns the rack session ID and the s_value returns the everything stored in the session:

s_key: rack:session:1sdrf724945701f13d0a5hju8ffb0078572fser42137948sdfr0d1fhju89bae4a
s_value: {"_csrf_token"=>"9sfg5461cfsdgh7285e16616c974we45t0db5c73dcfc1312b3c9ab91937b809c2", "LOCK"=>"Off", "current_user_class"=>Teacher, "session_start_time"=>2019-07-25 17:26:19 +0200, "__last_request_id"=>"sde458c7454745tg6d8a964b223456f2", "current_user"=>1}


Thanks to Luca Guidi, the creator of the Hanami framework and the redis-store.

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